Singer – Covid-19 Tribute Song

Keells – Safety of Everyone (Customers)

Keells – Safety of Everyone (Employees)

Keells – Mother’s Day Video 2020

People’s Bank – Curfew Instructions

People’s Bank – Corona Circular

People’s Bank – Hotline Information

People’s Bank – #StayHome

People’s Bank – Covid_19 (Safety Instructions)

People’s Bank – COVID19 Pirith Programme

Anchor Milk – Mage Kathawa

Pan Asia Bank – COVID19 (Agile Content)

MAS – COVID19 (Prevention)

LB Finance – Stay Safe From Covid 19 (TVC)

Lysol TVC – Corona Agile For Floor Clean (TVC)

Lysol – Corona Agile Clean For Kitchen (TVC)

Lysol – Corona Agile For Table Clean (TVC)

Ratthi – Smart Tips for Housewives

Union Assurance PLC – Thanking Front Liners (TVC & Digital)

Union Assurance PLC – Your Protection is Our Priority (TVC & Digital)

Union Assurance PLC – 24 Hour Hotline Number (TVC & Digital)

Union Assurance PLC – COVID19 Social Distancing (TVC & Digital)